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A blue utility truck equipped with a crane is parked on a rugged, rocky terrain that slopes upward. The area is sparsely vegetated, with some patches of small plants and grasses scattered across the rocky ground. In the background, there is a paved area with some equipment visible.
A blue utility truck equipped with a crane is parked on a rugged, rocky terrain that slopes upward. The area is sparsely vegetated, with some patches of small plants and grasses scattered across the rocky ground. In the background, there is a paved area with some equipment visible.

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Visítanos en Villavicencio, donde ofrecemos servicios de laboratorio topográfico y equipos de alta precisión para el mercado llanero.


Carrera 43 #15-101


Lunes a Viernes de 9 am-2 pm y de 2 pm- 7 pm

Sabados de 9 am-4 pm